
What is CMS – Content Management System Explained?

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What is CMS – Content Management System Explained?

Hello, Welcome to this Blog from Zauca – India’s No 1 Website Designing Company;

Today we’r going to explain you about CMS, what is it and why as a website designing company you should consider using it, instead of building everything from scratch.

Well these days everyone talks about different CMS platform and basically a CMS is a Content Management System.

What does that mean? Let’s say that you want to design a blog or just the website that you want to use to showcase your clients products or services.

One way to go about it is of course building everything from scratch using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, building the database, building all the administration interfaces; so when ever clients want to change any content they can login and update the information on website and of course it’s obvious why we need an admin panel.

There are several reasons, why you need to have admin panel and lets see few important points here.

  1. To make sure random users and visitors who visit the website, wouldn’t be able to mess with the data and that’s one reason that you need an admin platform so only authorized people can go ahead and edit it,
  2. Another reason is that it wouldn’t be really easy to use for the general public when it comes to add, edit or deleting the content; so its important for a website designing company to consider using a CMS when designing website for someone who is not familiar with technology.
  3. Also it’s better to use a proven CMS, because a content management system provides all the tools to manage users to manage content to apply beautiful layouts, beautiful ready layouts to the website or web applications to some point there are CMS platforms out there designed for web applications and there are content management systems available for general website or web blog user.

Some of the famous CMS out there which you might have already heard being in the web development industry is WordPress, which is one of the very powerful content management system in terms of structure, it’s a little bit messy it’s not following the modern architectures of the web but it’s been kept updated and there are plenty of plugins; that’s something very important about WordPress and that is you can find plug-ins for basically anything you can;

Features what worlds best Content management system WordPress offers is, If you want to add social features to your customers blog or website you can find plugins to do that for you; If you want to capture leads there are plugins to do that for you; and of course there are plugins to build membership areas for your users and another powerful side of WordPress is that it has so many themes out there if you want to change the look of your website or weblog you just go ahead, do a google search you would find plenty; maybe even tens of thousands of different themes out there of course free and paid but as long as the option is there you would be able to use them.

So another advantage of WordPress is the theme side of it and the ability to change the look, even with the least amount of effort and energy; and of course it is open source, which means you can do your own modifications and make it work the way your clients want it.

Another example of a content management system would be thumblr and basically what thumblr is it’s a content management system combined with social media and basically buliding your clients or customers website or blog on a platform which has deep integrated social capabilities. And thumblr can have its own themes as well; but in terms of plugins it’s not as advanced as wordpress and of course it’s not open source; meaning you cannot change the functionality of it; but one good thing about it is that it gets lots of traffic so it has the people’s attention though and whatever you put out there you get a higher chance of getting exposure rather than if you self host your clients WordPress based website or a weblog then you need to start generating traffic for it; but if you do a good job at building a tumblr blog then basically you get traffic and you get social side of things to it kind of integrated with your clients own weblog and consider that thumblr is used mostly for blogs rather than websites.

And there are many top level players when it comes to CMS (Content Management System) and to name few like Drupal, Joomla…etc

If you are planning to build a website for your client who is not a tech savy, then you might have to go with WordPress because of flexibility that WordPress brings with itself.

Zauca uses the Content Management System, that’s dynamic website plan that starts from Rs. 4900


About Zauca Consultancy Services

India’s No 1 Website Design Company

Successfully Delivered 5800+ Websites

Zauca, offers wide range of Website design services in India including business website designing, personal blogs, web portals designing, micro websites, flash websites, e-commerce websites designing, static websites, and dynamic websites across all categories & sectors.

Business Website Pricing

Zauca is India’s most affordable website desingers in India with Unbeatable “Pricing”

Basic Plan – Rs. 3800

– 1 Free Domain Name
– 5 Page Hosting (Static Design)
– Business Email id
– Unlimited Images & Videos
– Unlimited (Bandwidth/ Space)
– SEO Ready Website
– 100% Responsive Website
– 24/7 Support (Phone/Email/Chat)
– Annual Renewal Rs. 1500
Note: GST @ 18% Applicable on All Purchase

Shop Now – Rs. 950.00

Classic Plan – Rs. 4900

– 1 Free Domain Name
– UL Pages (Dynamic Website) 
– Business Email id
– Unlimited Images & Videos
– Unlimited (Bandwidth/ Space)
– SEO (Express) Ready Website
– 100% Responsive Website
– Live Chat Integration
– Payment Gateway Integration
– Social Media Integration 

– 24/7 Support (Phone/Email/Chat)
– Annual Renewal Rs. 1695
Note: GST @ 18% Applicable on All Purchase

Shop Now – Rs. 1,225.00

Premium Plan – Rs. 10300

– 1 Free Domain Name
– UL Pages (Dynamic Website) 
– Android Application 
– Unlimited Email id 
– Unlimited Images & Videos
– Unlimited (Bandwidth/ Space)
– SEO (Express) Ready Website
– 100% Responsive Website
– Live Chat Integration
– Payment Gateway Integration
– Social Media Integration 

– 24/7 Support (Phone/Email/Chat)
– Annual Renewal Rs. 2000
Note: GST @ 18% Applicable on All Purchase

Shop Now – Rs. 2,575.00

e-Commerce Website Pricing

Zauca is India’s most cost effective e-commerce website solutions in India with Unbelievable “Pricing”

Silver Plan – Rs. 6000

– 1 Free Domain Name
– UL Pages (Basic Design ) 
– Unlimited Product Listing
– Business Email id
– Unlimited Images & Videos
– Unlimited (Bandwidth/ Space)
– 100% Responsive Website
– Payment Gateway
– 24/7 Support (Phone/Email/Chat)
– Annual Renewal Rs. 2000
– Advance Payment 50% of Project Cost
Note: GST @ 18% Applicable on All Purchase

Gold Plan – Rs. 12000

– 1 Free Domain Name
– UL Pages (Dynamic Design) 
– Unlimited Product Listing
– Unlimited Email id 
– Unlimited Images & Videos
– Unlimited (Bandwidth/ Space)
– 100% Responsive Website
– Social Media Integration
– Live Chat Integration 

– Payment Gateway
– 24/7 Support (Phone/Email/Chat)
– Annual Renewal Rs. 3000
– Advance Payment 50% of Project Cost
Note: GST @ 18% Applicable on All Purchase

Custom Solutions for Enterprises

Almost any functionality that a client wants can be coded and integrated into the website, android application and CMS.

Common applications
Special functionality for which there is not an off-the-shelf solution
Extend common web components with your special business rules
Integrate your web site with other systems.
We know software and we engineer custom solutions


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